“Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.”

-Hellen Keller


Due to harsh poverty, thousands of elderly and vulnerable people end up sleeping hungry almost daily. The Annadaan Project extends care, compassion and generosity with the intention to share from the abundance that we have. We provide monthly groceries (rice, lentils, oil and flour) to people who would otherwise not have anything substantial to eat. Our team conducts field surveys to identify those genuinely in need. After one year, we reassess the situation before providing another year of food support.

  • 84 women offered monthly groceries

Udaan (Youth Gathering)

Udaan (which means “to soar”) was started in February 2018. It targets a specific group of girls in Ramapir no Tekra who dropped out of school and MS programs due to parental pressure to marry early. We began by interacting with the parents to build trust and understanding and then started the Udaan program right next to their homes to ensure that the girls could attend daily. The program is focused on preventing early marriage, strengthening the girls’ education, fostering their confidence and self-awareness and imparting skills that will support their life journey.


The Hope Program gives a space for expression along with adolescent girls and young women who don’t have many pillars of support in their lives. These girls have shown heartfelt change in their sharing and learnings where gradually they have been able to share uncomfortable things which they are facing including topics of sexual abuse and emotional struggle they are going through.

  • 48 adolescent girls receiving support weekly

Adolescent Education

Through Adolescent Education, we provide support, encouragement, and accurate information to help youth navigate the world during this significant period of transition. We provide them with information about their health and bodies; promote positive attitudes and help them develop skills to respond to real-life situations successfully.

  • Each child receives 20 hours of adolescent classes per year


Skill Development & Income Generation